"HEXHIBIT III was a groundbreaking project that brought together art, technology, and music in a truly immersive exhibition, showcasing digital art in its most dynamic form. While it may look like HEXHIBIT III is heading for space in the future, its first stop was Museum Square in Amsterdam, where it was unveiled as a free, public installation in December 2021. Following its debut, it began an international museum tour, with stops at the Moco Museum in Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, and Dubai, broadening the exposure of NFT and physical art.""Don Diablo: “It’s not only one of the largest physical pieces attached to a token in the history of NFTs, but it’s also a way to physically feel, hear, and experience the power of digital art once the doors close behind you.”
"I played a pivotal role in developing the overall experience, collaborating closely with Don and the production teams to bring the exhibition to life."
"Working with Don Diablo on this project was an extraordinary collaboration. Together, we pushed the boundaries. The project took shape quickly, thanks to our shared energy and vision. We worked alongside a fantastic team from companies like Northern Light and Brandwacht & Meijer, who were instrumental in bringing this ambitious concept from idea to reality."